Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

I hope your week is starting off blessed and peaceful as we journey through this Easter Season. Now is a perfect opportunity to center our hearts and minds on God’s purpose for us. Have you been taking time to be obedient to God’s word? Are you taking enough time of peaceful discernment to hear his voice? If you are struggling with this, remember that it all begins by taking one step in the right direction.

A step of faith is akin to the one that Peter took when he stepped out upon the waves when he saw Jesus walking on water. And though his faith faltered, and he eventually fell into the sea, Jesus immediately caught him and brought him back to safety. Peter may have tumbled, but Christ caught him and set him right. Plus, he did begin his journey by walking on the waves, something no other disciple had done!

About a year ago I was out on patrol with the Coast Guard as they did safety checks onboard tugboats and tow-barges in the Houston Ship Channel. It was a cold, rainy, and windy day. There were large waves and swells in the bay and our boat was slamming through the water from one crest to the next. Each descent down the crest would bring a slam of the hull against the water, and then up again we would go on the next swell. Rain poured down on the deck and the wind made everything just that much more hectic.

All this was occurring while the crew of Coast Guardsmen were attempting to jump from our 47 foot patrol boat to the rocking tugboats alongside, both crafts were moving steadily through the ship channel. Before a person would jump across the chasm of grey swirling water, a shipmate would watch the coming waves and give them guidance on when to cross. A crewmember of the tug would be waiting to help the Coastguardsman over once they jumped, then they would help the rest of their shipmates cross as well. All the while the Captain of the patrol boat would be revving and backing down the engines to make sure the crew could cross in relative safety, trying to match his speed with that of the tugboat. It was amazing and impressive to watch these men work as a team to make sure everyone was accounted for and crossed with support. Which makes me think, do we rely upon each other enough when it comes to making these steps of faith in our lives as Christians? When was the last time you shared with a church member about something you were struggling with or a facet of your faith you wish to work on?

Lent is often a time when we try to center our lives on Christ and attempt to know him better. But why do we do so alone? Why not share our victories and struggles with others in order that we may grow together as Christians? The church should not be a movement of individuals, but a movement of all persons united by the Holy Spirit. May we all be willing vessels of God’s Word, but also be willing to share our experiences and trials with others.

You don’t need to journey through Easter alone! You have Christ with you, and your church family as well to support you. Who knows, by sharing your victory or trial you may just inspire someone else to take a step in the right direction.

Have a great day my friends, share Christ’s inspiration with someone this week!

Your Brother in Christ,

Pastor Mike McVey
First United Methodist Church, Fairfield
ACS Chaplain – U.S. Coast Guard Base Galveston
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