Dear Prime Minister:

If I may be permitted, congratulations, belated nonetheless, on your elevation to lead Israel. Enclosed are copies of two letters I had sent to your predecessor some years ago. Neither received a reply unfortunately. The subject then was grievously important; today it has become critical.

Yesterday’s issue of The Wall Street Journal clearly states that our arch enemy, in clear demonstration of his strategy, now possesses enough material for a nuclear bomb. I discount European heads of state whose commercial interests with Iran outweigh their ethical stance, but if my appraisal of Mr. Obama was accurate, his total absence of action to stop this criminal enterprise was due to a lack of the will. He was a capon.

Now, tragically America suffers under even worse: the Obama “B” team. We are governed by idiots and geldings. The only effective sanction that criminal regimes understand comes on the tip of a cruise missile. Since you possess many as well as the more acute need for self-defense, I hope to read in a future WSJ issue of the decapitation of these world-power wannabe’s. Our eunuch administration will not act.
Prime Minister Bennett, I wish you every success in your government and success in prevailing against our Iranian enemies; if not, it will likely be Jerusalem, not Washington, that will be their first nuclear target.

El Sellers
Fairfield, Texas