by Jan Fielden

Well, Freddy, the squirrel is back! Of course, all the squirrels on the Red Oak Ranch are named Freddy…no I don’t know why. This Freddy is the same one that I caught taking the lid off the oats and climbing in. Well, I got that stopped right away by wiring up the can so the squirrel would have a harder time getting it open. It did also make it more difficult for me to get in so I could give Sundance oats.

There is a snake in the equipment shed, we know this to be a fact but can’t for the life of us catch it (kill it) or even know for sure where it is in the equipment shed. We, I guess, mostly me, look very carefully before going in there. I really do not like snakes. So far I have not seen it. The Colonel and I were down there one day looking at something entirely different when suddenly The Colonel took a step back and we watched the trash can that holds some hay wrap. The wrap was moving up and down, back and forth. I was wondering what in the world could be causing that and suddenly I saw Freddy. He was wrapped up in the wrap and trying to get out of the can. Finally he made it and took off across the floor of the equipment shed, out into the open and ran into the “Reading Grove”. I named it that because I had wanted at one time to put a small table with an umbrella on it, a little decorative fence around everything to keep the cows out and then realty sunk in. Cows would be able to knock everything down from the decorative fence to the table and chair. So, my little reading area never happened. Cannot guess what will happen with Freddy next.