by Jan Fielden

I touched on this subject a while back but many of you may have missed it.  My husband, The Colonel, I told you at the time talks to dogs, birds, bees, cows, etc.  He has conversations with them.  NO, he is not out of his mind, he simply loves these creatures and has conversations with them even if they are only one-way conversations.

Having heard him ask the squirrels that are running in the yard, “Hey, Mr. Squirrel, how are you today?  Oh, you don’t say?  Well, maybe tomorrow will be a better day to find a lot of nuts in the yard.” At least I can know what the squirrels say!  Of course, he does a lot of his talking to the Beagles, MO and Tasha.  After they eat their food, they know a treat is coming.  So, The Colonel makes a big deal out of it.  He has lots of conversations building the suspense when that treat will be given.  It usually starts with a question,  “Now, I have a MilkBone™ for you. Do you want one?  You do?  Well, shake!” Then the Beagles each shake, and he gives them the treat.  He has moved on to singing a song, it goes like this, “Do you want a Greenie™? If you have been a meany, you can’t have a Greenie™.  No, you haven’t been a meanie then here is a Greenie™.”

Today he locked the Middle Herd in the Northeast Pasture so he could move some hay around.  The cows, of course, moved to the locked gate.  When he was done moving the hay, he went to open the gate and sang this little ditty to them.  “I hear you knocking but you can’t come in, come back on Friday and we’ll let you in.”©  We are having a round-up on Friday! The Red Oak Ranch has so much fun to offer, it is never ever dull!!