By Barney Leach

September 2020 rainfall was well above normal at 7.81 inches. We had ten days with measureable rainfall with a one-day greatest total of 3.51 inches on September 2. Our normal rainfall for September is 2.84 inches.

Our rainfall total for the year now stands at 51.19 inches. Normal through September is 29.48. We had a near record wet September in 2020 following a record dry September of 0.17 inch set last year. Our record wettest September was 7.89 inches in 1998.

September temperatures were about normal with highs mostly in the mid to upper 80’s with a high of 96 degrees on September 1. Low temperatures for the month were mostly in the mid 60’s to 70’s. We did have a cold front come through at the end of the month with a low of 56 degrees on September 29.

Our four hottest months of the year are now behind us. Look for cooler weather ahead.

Looking ahead to October: October is normally our wettest month of the year with a normal of 5.27 inches of rain. The record wettest October was 14.36 inches in 2015. The record driest October was 0.13 inch in 1995. We begin our normally wettest month of the year at 8.78 inches above normal on rainfall for the entire year with three months left in the year.

We seldom have freezing temperatures in October but have had frost on occasion. Windy days are common in October which adds to the beauty of falling leaves.

The rainfall and temperature data was recorded by Barney Leach, former co-op weather volunteer for the National Weather Service, and former weather volunteer for Channel 8 in Dallas, Channel 10 in Waco and radio station KNES in Fairfield.