COVID-19’s effects were emphasized by the Fairfield ISD School Board meeting held on Monday, September 14, 2020.
Grades Kindergarten through second are not allowed a classroom larger than twenty-two, but one virtual class has reached over that mark and a waiver was approved to allow that class to continue.
Seventh grade students need assessment by a local test to provide data due to the lack of STAAR in the last school year.
The FISD Asynchronous plan was approved, although it is not due to TEA until October, Fairfield ISD has joined the ranks of 400 districts who have already submitted their plan.
District enrollment is down a total of 100 students, meaning that they are not enrolled with FISD in any way.
No students have had a positive case of COVID-19, although there was a miscommunication making people believe there was one.
FISD has plans to continue monitoring COVID-19 and keeping the protocol in place to help fight this disease, and ultimately allow all students to return to school.
The School Board approved the agreement with Walsh/Gallegos (FISD’s Legal Firm) for 2020-2021.