The City of Teague Mayor James Monk shared the following words during the early morning of Tuesday, July 14, 2020, on a release in regards to city employee testing positive for COVID-19.

“As the numbers of positive Corona cases increase each day, we are beginning to see the increased numbers in Teague and Freestone county.

Two of our employees began showing signs of illness and tested positive for the virus. City facilities were closed down and all employees were sent for testing.

A professional crew was brought in to deep clean our facilities while city staff was in quarantine waiting on their test results.

Until all test results are back and the quarantine period has passed, I have asked our staff to keep our facilities closed for the remainder of this week .

I anticipate reopening for employees to occur on 7/20/2020. We will revisit opening to the public after that time.

During the interim period, public works employees will continue to make their water/ sewer rounds and repair any emergency leaks.

As the police department is in a separate building, they have not been exposed and will continue day to day operations.

Water bills can be paid on line, by phone or by using the drop box at city hall.

The collection center and library will also remain closed during this period.

We are making every effort to return to business as normal as soon as we can, but want to ensure the health and safety of our employees and customers.”

Additionally the City of Teague ended a similar post with the words, “Our thoughts and prayers are with our staff, our community and all those affected by COVID-19 during this time.”