Dear Editor,

If Black Lives Matter…

Black lives do of course matter, just like any other human lives. Life is precious, a God-given gift. The movement of BLM seems to have been hijacked by ultra-liberals for use as one of their tools to dismantle the apparatus of conventional America. I previously wrote in these pages about the spark that set off this storm, but any thinking American – black or white – should ask himself a simple question.

The question is that if black lives really matter (which they surely do), why do black community leaders, politicians, clergy, business executives, not look at the overwhelmingly obvious and demonstrated truth: over 95% of black men shot to death are killed by other black men and that fewer than 5% of the deaths by police? Where is the outrage over this truth?

Racism exists; people of all races are imperfect, flawed, but I suspect that the disproportionate death rate is not a race problem; it is a cultural issue. Otherwise, it would suggest a genetic defect toward violence. I do not believe that is true of people of color or any other people.

The ultra-liberal media and race pimps like Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc. seem to focus on the speck in the cops’ eye and fail to see the beam in their own. Pulling down statues of George Washington and even Abraham Lincoln(!) means that legitimate protests have been taken over for political reasons!

God bless America.

El Sellers
Fairfield, Texas