Reopening of restaurants, retail stores, movie theatres, museums and libraries began last Friday, May 1, 2020 throughout the State of Texas.

Many locations have reacted differently, some are excited and ready to get back to business, while others feel it is too soon and they cannot safely serve their customers.

Rancho Nuevo in Teague, Texas is asking their patrons to make reservations although they will accept walk-ins.

No more than six customers per table and they are limiting people to only forty-five minutes of dine in time.

They will keep their drive through open, including their Margaritas to go.

Dine-In customers at Sam’s Original Restaurant in Fairfield are asked to use the side entrance as the gift shop is currently being renovated.

Sam’s Original Restaurant in Fairfield, Texas changed their self-service buffet to a buffet were employees prepare your plate for you.

Additionally, they have spread their tables to keep customers six feet apart as per recommendations from the CDC.

They are temporarily using the side door, the one facing the Interstate, while they lay tile in the gift shop.

Yet, Something Different in Fairfield, Texas made the difficult decision to keep their dine-in seating area closed for the time being.

They believe that during the time they just are not large enough to safely seat people.

Owner Mary Small welcomes a customer to her downtown gift shop, Accessories, Etc.

Accessories, Etc. in downtown Fairfield has worked diligently to keep the store stocked and ready for reopening, which they did last Friday.

Make sure and get with them to check out their great graduations gifts and the registries.

Julee Emmons is all smiles as she welcomes customers back to Armadillo Emporium and Juls by Jul.

Juls by Jul, inside Armadillo Emporium, is another store that has reopened with great 30% off sales throughout the store.

Owner, Julee Emmons exclaimed, “It’s just the best feeling. Just to get up and go to work, it’s just beautiful you know.”

Lazy Texan Trading in Teague, Texas excitedly opened their doors again this past Friday and they say, “There’s lots to dig in with sale prices.”

Their plan is to keep the counter and iPad wiped down and sanitized between customers checking out, and are allowed twenty-three customers in the store at a time.

Kennedy’s Korner of Fairfield, along with East Pine Designs and Desserts by Mommacakes, is currently still doing business curbside.

They do give a tease though with a social media post stating, “Look for something awesome coming May 12th!”

The two movie theatres, Schulman Movie Bowl Grille of Corsicana and Dogwood 6 of Palestine, are not reopening at this time.

“In an effort to open safely and responsibly, we are enacting new processes and procedures that will take time to train and execute effectively,” explained Russell Cook, Director of Theatre Operations with Schulman Theatres.

As Texas moves forward, Governor Abbott will continue to watch COVID-19, and hopefully be able to open the state up fully.