Fairfield Elementary is hosting a “Drive-In” Reading & Music Night on Thursday, April 16th from 5 to 6-ish p.m.

Come park your car or pick-up in the front parking lot and join us!

Please arrive before 5:00 p.m. to get settled. The first song will begin at 5:10 p.m. At that point, we will need all vehicles turned off so that our sound system can do its job!

Please be prepared to stay the entire time as well, so that others are not disturbed.

Everyone is invited! Bring snacks and the whole family!

To comply with COVID-19 social distancing, everyone will need to refrain from gathering to visit and remain in vehicles in their own area. (Since this is our first event, we have no idea how many people may sho up.)

Hosted by Mrs. Cherry, Mrs. Monico and Mrs. Bossier.

(Your hosts will be in the parking lot on risers for visibility. We will practice social distancing, as well.)