The Jonathan Hardin Chapter, NSDAR met in the conference room, Parkview Regional Hospital, Mexia, Texas, February 12, 2020.

Regent Nancy McSwane welcomed guest and members and Essay Winners from Limestone and Freestone Counties. Chaplain Marsha Black gave the invocation and Regent McSwane led members in the Ritual. National Defense chairman, Ann Gokey gave a report on the qualifications and test for citizenship. She said “I wonder how many of us would qualify “?

Regent McSwane welcomed the American History Essay Winners, whose topic was “The Voyage of the Mayflower”. The students from each division read their winning essays. From Limestone and Freestone Counties, the following students won at their grade level. Cannon Campbell, 5th grade Enge-Washington School, Groesbeck, Eva Vanegas, 6th Grade Enge-Washington School, Groesbeck, Case Boone Samford, 7th Grade Wortham Middle School, Wortham, and Taylor Brooke Bell, 8th Grade Dew ISD, Dew. The Christopher Columbus Essay Winner from the high school grades was Mika-Lyn Gargis, 10th grade Wortham High School, Wortham. Samatha Lee Ann Wright 12th grader from Wortham High School, Wortham was the Good Citizen Essay Winner. Miss Wright was brought into a room, given a topic and wrote as essay on the subject.

Diane Pullin, Treasurer of the Jonathan Hardin Chapter, introduced our speaker, Shirley Brooks Bland, State Treasurer of the Texas DAR. Mrs. Bland is a member of the Colonel George Dashiell Chapter in Normangee, Texas. She spoke on DAR committees with emphasis on Education in our schools.

Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American Independence is eligible for membership. For more information about joining the Jonathan Hardin Chapter, NSDAR please contact Regent Nancy McSwane at 254-359-4620 or Registrar Billie Bournias at 903-389-3592.