by Chief of Police David Utsey

Monday, Sept. 2nd
11:37 AM-Cpl. Markham on report of alarm going off.
11:41 AM-Cpl. Markham of report of reckless driver.
12:52 PM-Cpl. Markham on report of minor wreck on the interstate.
3:17 PM-Cpl. Markham assist Fairfield EMS on medical emergency.
6:06 PM-Officer Alexander on report of dogs in hot vehicle while owner ate at restaurant, vehicle was running and AC was on.
6:13 PM-Officer Alexander on report of someone riding a golf cart on the roadway.
8:08 PM-Officer Alexander on report of vehicle broke down in the roadway.
11:08 PM-Officer Alexander on report of someone trying to pass a fake hundred dollar bill.
Tuesday, Sept. 3rd
10:02 AM-Officer Bates, Chief Utsey and assisted by deputy on report of subject tearing up the house, EMS called, subject was on a bad trip.
11:04 AM-Officer Bates on report of someone illegally dumping in their dumpster.
12:33 PM-Officer Bates serve criminal trespass notice to subject from one of stores where he caused problems.
3:40 PM-Officer Bates assist Fairfield EMS on medical emergency.
6:02 PM-Officer Bates, Alexander and Cpl. Markham on report of domestic, was all verbal and parties separated for night.
Wednesday, Sept. 4th
12:58 PM-Officer Cox on report of dog running at large.
2:23 PM-Officer Cox on report of subject having money bag taken with money in it.
5:12 PM-Officer Cox on report of minor wreck.
7:45 PM-Officer Scarrow on report of possible intoxicated person.
8:06 PM-Officer Scarrow on report of suspicious person at one of the restaurants, subject was a homeless passing through.
Thursday, Sept. 5th
11:11 AM-Officer Cox, Sgt. Gallegos and Chief Utsey on report of major wreck.
2:16 PM-Officer Cox on report of minor wreck in parking lot.
7:24 PM-Cpl. Price on report of alarm going off.
7:45 PM-Cpl. Price on welfare check.
Friday, Sept. 6th
12:01 AM-Officer Scarrow and Cpl. Price on open gate.
5:03 AM-Officer Scarrow to speak to a complainant.
9:32 AM-Officer Bates to meet a complainant on Criminal trespass notice.
11:06 AM-Officer Bates on report of subject camping behind of store in town, was advised to move on.
Saturday, Sept. 7th
6:19 AM-Officer Bates served a criminal trespass notice to subject.
12:04 PM-Officer Bates on report of homeless man sleeping by restaurant, was advised need to move on.
10:22 PM-Cpl. Markham on report of suspicious persons.
Sunday, Sept. 8th
12:55 AM-Officer Alexander attempt to locate a runaway from neighboring city, was unable to locate.
1:32 AM-Officer Alexander arrest subject on warrant.
1:17 PM-Officer Bates to PD to meet a complainant.
5:24 PM-Officer Bates on reported hit and run.
8:29 PM-Officer Alexander on report of dog bite.
11:17 PM-Officer Alexander and Cpl. Markham to ER on unruly subject brought in from another county.