FAIRFIELD ELEMENTARY CELEBRATED ITS MARCH Birthday Book Club members with lunch in the library this week.  “We appreciate our participating families,” says Library Director Besty Monico.  A new book was bought in honor of each student.  They include (top-bottom, left-right): Hunter Isaacs, Brant Whitaker, Brewer Dickerson, Poppy Hernandez, and Zack Freeman. (Submitted Photo)

FAIRFIELD INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL BIRTHDAY BOOK CLUB celebrated March birthdays with lunch and birthday snacks in the library. These students’ families donated a book to the library in honor of their birthday. The members celebrating this month are-Paige Emmons, Sariah Henderson, Cariss Capps, Kole Brackens, Saeed Pjetrovic, Lauren Scott and Alli Grant. The Fairfield Intermediate School is very grateful to these families for their donations.  (Submitted Photos)