Fairfield Elementary School celebrated “Read The Most” this Friday, March 1, 2019. This was a special day dedicated to Reading.
“We want to celebrate the reading accomplishments of our students this year and promote a love of reading and lifelong learning,” said Assistant Principal Betsy Wright.
Each grade level prepared special activities to engage students throughout the day. Some classes had tents, blanket forts and other reading nooks to encourage students to grab a book and read. Other classes invited special guests in our community to read to them.
“Reading is the cornerstone of future academic success,” said Principal Sheila Ransom. “It is my desire that students see all of the staff excited about reading, to spark in them a love of books, and to create unforgettable memories shared with their peers and teachers. We are proud of our students’ progress and we want to celebrate all of their academic milestones this year!”
Students and faculty dressed as their favorite book character for the day and participated in a book character parade that morning. Everyone was encouraged to bring a copy of their book to carry in the parade.
Parents were invited to watch the parade as students showed off their character costumes and shared their book with their classmates.