by FHS senior and Eagle Beat editor in chief, Brittani Oglesbee

photo by Ag teacher Darcy Stutts


After passing a vigorous and grueling exam, senior Kaitlin Newman was certified as a level one Veterinary Assistant.

Newman worked in class and during the summer break of 2017 in order to get practice and experience to take her exam.

“I had 200 classroom hours and 300 vet clinic hours,” Newman said. “I also had a checklist of skills I had to complete.”

Newman worked under the supervision of veterinarians this summer to achieve her volunteer hours and to help her prepare for the test.

“I volunteered at the Buffalo Animal Hospital,” Newman said. “I volunteered under Dr. Russell Jones and Dr. Tanner Self.”

While volunteering at the Buffalo Animal Clinic, Newman helped Jones and Self with whatever they required.

“Mainly I just did whatever they needed me to do around the vet clinic,” Newman said. “Working at the vet clinic really helped prepare me for the test.”

Newman plans to continue her education and be certified on the next level, where she will eventually work at a veterinarian clinic.

“I want to be a vet after I graduate so this helps me start my career off becoming a vet,” Newman said. “I plan to hopefully get a job here pretty soon at the vet clinic in Teague.”