FISHING GUIDE, MIKE HASTINGS, WITH TWO LARGEMOUTHS that would qualify for the ShareLunker program. So far, over 50 bass have been entered in the under 13-pound classes. Entries in the 13-lb. classes have been scarce, however. When the redbuds bloom, big bass bite. (Photo by John Jefferson)

by John Jefferson

“Oh, the gallant fisher’s life!
It is the best of any;
‘Tis full of pleasure, void of strife,
And tis beloved by many.
             Izaak Walton

If you don’t know who Izaak Walton was, that’s OK. If you don’t think a fisher’s life “is the best of any,” I hope you’ll keep reading.

Mr. Walton, an Englishman, published The Compleat Angler during the mid-1600’s, and continued revising it for a quarter of a century. It’s a classic about fly-fishing, and the people who pursued it. He, himself, was not a fishing expert, but like this writer, believed that you don’t have to know it all — just need to know the people who do. But it also spoke of the need to live a good life, and he saw fishing as life- enriching.

Charles Lamb, another English writer who hung out with Samuel Coleridge (Rime of the Ancient Mariner), recommended The Compleat Angler to Coleridge, saying, “It would sweeten a man’s temper at any time to read it.”

Fishing, in general, does that for me. It leads some to divorce; it has probably saved me from it. (Except once — when I wasn’t fishing enough.) Let me tell you about some recent and future ways to sweeten your temper … and life.

You may know Parks and Wildlife stocks 317,834 trout in many locations each winter. Recent word from TPWD announced that they had fish to spare and were still stocking at Blanco State Park (3/2), Fort Boggy State Park (2/27), River Park and Trinity Park in Ft. Worth (3/1), and dam tailraces at Canyon Lake and Possum Kingdom Reservoir (3/1).

The hatchery trout are exciting to catch on light tackle or fly-fishing gear, and the daily limit is five. A fishing license is needed. For stocking locations, times, and other late stockings, call the hatcheries: A.E. Wood (512-353-0572), East Texas State Hatchery (409-698-2052), Possum Kingdom Hatchery (940-779-2301). Good baits are small chunks of yellow cheese, salmon eggs, worms, or small spinnerbaits (1/16 ounce), or flies. The waters are still cold, and uncaught trout can live for a while after stocking in cold water.

If you want to know more about fly-fishing or maybe try to catch a few, those two sites in Ft. Worth stocked on Mar. 1 are the site of Flyfish Texas on Saturday, March 10, from 9-5. It’s on the Clear Fork of the Trinity River, and 1,200 pounds of trout were stocked, along with 3,000 pounds of native fish. This event is free, and will offer demonstrations, talks and tips, kid stuff, vendors and activities, food, beer, wine, live music, contests and prizes. It’s at 3100 Bryant Irvin Rd. in Ft. Worth.

The cold weather may cause the white bass run upstream from lakes to peak later than usual, TPWD says. Rains the past two years filled the lakes, and baitfish were abundant. Whites spawned aggressively. Fish now, but fishing could last into late April. The limit is 25/day.