The Jonathan Hardin Chapter, NSDAR met at the Groesbeck Public Library, December 4, 2019. Regent Nancy McSwane called the meeting to order welcoming members and guest.
After the DAR Ritual, Regent McSwane introduced Honorary Regent Aleece McBay. She presented Mr. Charles Douglas Eastburn of Groesbeck with the Jonathan Hardin 2019 Community Service Award.
Mr. Eastburn formed Blessing in October 2010, which is a 501c3 organization. Its mission is to winterize, enhance safety, and give a facelift to homes of low-income elderly persons with disabilities, and families with a military individual serving active duty in Limestone County. The organization is solely dependent on individuals who volunteer to work one Saturday in October. With so many volunteers his wife Deanna, organizes a group of women to prepare meals for the workers at each location.
Deborah Moran’s chapter is Permian Basin in Andrews County. Deborah taught 31 years in public high schools in New Mexico, where she taught theater/drama and of those 25 years was director of all theater productions. She presented Martha Curtis Washington the untold story in first person.
Martha Dandridge took us through her life as a young lady, her marriage to Daniel Parke Curtis, their children and his death. After being a widow for several years she met George Washington. As Martha took us through her life you felt the joy, hardship and sadness she experienced. It was a most enjoyable program.
Chaplain Marsha Black, dismissed the members with a benediction.
Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American independence is eligible for membership. For more information about joining the Jonathan Hardin Chapter, NSDAR please contact Regent Nancy McSwane at 254-359-4620 or Registrar Billie Bournias at 903-389-3592.