Healthy and nutritional food is important for children and teenagers to grow up big and strong.
The Free and Reduced-Price Meals has been helping families keep children fed both breakfast and lunch during the school year.
Eligibility is decided in a few different ways:
–Income levels
–Automatic approval for children who receive SNAP, TANF, or FDPIR
–Foster children, homeless, runaway, migrant, or those displaced by a declared disaster may receive benefits.
–Being enrolled in Head Start or Even Start
A family of one with an annual income of $23,606 would receive reduced lunches, or $16,588 for free lunches.
For reduced lunches you add $8,288 for each additional person in a family to find the qualification salary.
Likewise, on free lunches you add $5,824 for each additional person.
Applications can filled out online at or by contacting, either in person or by phone, the administration office.
If circumstances change in a family’s home that reduces income, contact the administrative office as it is possible to become eligible after being ineligible.