Wortham’s Beauty Pageant Winner was Miss Bulldog “JackO’Leen Edina Simpson III” (Jackson Tacker) does the princess wave for all her adoring fans.

Additional winners were:
–1st Runner Up- “Ginger Ann McSnapp”
–Miss Talent- “Anita Dee Pill”
–Miss Congeniality- “Karen Nottaman”

Other contestants in the pageant included, Chulie McBride (Chance Latham), Foxy Roxy (Riley Baker), JackO’Leen Edina Simpson III (Jackson Tacker), and Fina Gypsy Gun (Gunnar Guest).

Next time you have the privilege of meeting one of these contestants, make sure you give them a great big smile and say hello.

The Wortham Senior Class held their Beauty Pageant on Saturday, January 25, 2020 as a fun way to raise money for this year’s Project Graduation.

The next fundraiser for their Project Graduation is the Big Money Raffle tickets are still on sale, so if you wish to help call Wortham High School 254-765-3094 or find a wortham Senior to purchase your Big Money Raffle ticket.
(Pageant Photography by Jennifer Lansford)