Taking a moment for a photo op during Wortham’s first annual National Night Out (NNO) event are area law enforcement (at top). The event was held Tuesday, October 1, 2019.

This young man gets a safety kit and other goodies from a local DPS Trooper during last week’s event.
Trip Tucker and his Hunni, Rhonda Craig, having some fun on the inflatable provided by Bounce4Fun.
Sparky Dances With The Kids during Wortham’s inaugural National Night Out event on Tuesday, October 1, 2019. The observance is a national campaign that promotes camaraderie between law enforcement and their communities. Turn to page 4-A for additional pictures. (Photo by Jennifer Lansford)
Freestone County Sheriff, Jeremy Shipley, handing out footballs.
Organizers of Wortham first NNO event is Wortham Police Chief Kelly Butler and Sunday Crider.
Wortham Area volunteer firefighters.