ff_council_belle_johnsonBelle Johnson, a 9th grader from Fairfield, Texas, asked me to meet with her a few weeks about a VISION the LORD had given her. We sat down for lunch and I let her talk…she said she had a vision of a revival in Fairfield, but not just limited to Fairfield folks. She wants us to invite family, church camp friends, musicians, etc. from everywhere!
She does not want this “meeting” to be associated with any particular church! She wants all people, churches, colors, and ages to gather because of Jesus. I asked her why she wanted to do this. She said “Jesus has blessed me in so many ways, and helped me through so many things, I want to give something back to Him.”
Belle went before the City Council by herself to humbly ask for use of the fairgrounds. They said YES!
October 21-23, you are all invited to “THE TENT: an out of the box 48 hour praise and worship service to glorify Jesus.”
We will not engage in preaching, political or social agendas, or extended intercession from the stage. It will be only worship, adoration, and thanksgiving for Jesus. Whether it is just you and a guitar, a praise band, a choir of 100, or a children’s choir, you will be invited to sign up for a set. Belle hopes youth groups and families will camp out. There will be a Saturday night meal.
5th quarter will be held at “THE TENT” after the game Friday night. Sunday night, churches will be invited to come together as ONE in place of their usual services. (Sunday morning too would be GREAT.)
Please begin praying for the LORD to move in a mighty way during this 48 hour praise revival. Also, pray for Belle. Her obedience and faith inspire me. (This seems BIG for a 15 year old to pull off, but not really because she serves a really BIG GOD and is doing it with a desire to honor HIM.).
Betsy Monico

If you would like to volunteer to help with this event, contact Betsy Monico at 903-391-9642.  Facebook users are invited to join ‘The Tent’ event for updates.

Addressing the Fairfield City Council about a Youth Revival she has been inspired to organize is Fairfield High School ninth-grader Belle Johnson.  (Photo by Karen Leidy)