Greetings Brothers and Sisters!

When you read this devotional, you will be on the very precipice of a monumental decision in your life. Whether you may be encountering this devotional or however your day may be going, this moment, right here and now, is of great importance. This is because when you read this devotional and reach its conclusion you will be left with the greatest opportunity ever afforded the human race. Are you ready? Can you contain your excitement?

The opportunity you have is to live as a witness of Christ’s great message here on earth! Imagine that! You are a living, breathing, talking, example of what the Gospel of Jesus Christ can do! How often do we awake from our slumber without this crucial piece of knowledge in our heads? We meander around like pointless, purposeless, vagrants completely void of anything unique and inspiring within us. We just go through the motions of life as if we are merely automated sprockets in a machine that produces mediocracy. Don’t you know that you were made for something more? Didn’t you know that the love of Jesus resides within you?

Then let’s get excited about that opportunity!

The most important step you take in your week is the one you take following church on Sunday morning. From that moment on you are living in a world that is in desperate need of hope and resurrection. You can stroll into the dark recesses of people’s lives and radiate God’s hope for redemption. You don’t need to have a 4-point sermon in your pocket, or a megaphone to condemn, you don’t even need the perfect words. All you need is a desire to have Christ show his presence through you!

Now, this venture comes with a price. You see, if we step out in faith and with a desire to impact those in need, then Christ will put us in contact with those in need. You’re going to run up against sour personalities, cantankerous characters, Debbie-downers, and crotchety curmudgeons. But who better to see Christ’s grace through you than those who need it most? The Gospel of Matthew states, ” In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Let us go forth this week and let our light shine! Let the sermon live within you, let the Gospel cry out from your lips and the love of Christ be shared by your hands!

Today is the most important day because it is another day we can choose to live for Christ Jesus.

What is your next step, my friend?

Pastor Mike McVey
Minister – First United Methodist Church, Fairfield TX
ACS Chaplain – United States Coast Guard, Station Galveston TX