Every year I am surprised by the start of school. It seems to approach with a sudden leap instead of a gentle walk. I’m sure that many of our parents in Fairfield are scrambling to ensure all the necessities of school life are prepared for that foreboding of moments, the first day of school!

Of course, this is a little melodramatic, which is a common trait of mine, but I do remember as a kid being slightly intimidated by the start of a new academic year. But alongside that intimidation was a good deal of excitement and anticipation. It was a chance to start afresh and new, meet new kids, and make new friends, everything was a fresh start. This week we will watch as hundreds of our youth resume their studies and begin new ventures in their lives, the question is how can we support them and what can we learn from them?

For all of us in the Fairfield/Freestone County community, the biggest thing we can do is pray! Let us uplift our young people and invoke the blessings of God over their lives and endeavors. Paul’s first letter of Timothy states, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people.” So, let us remember to be constantly praying and spiritually interceding on behalf of
our students.

The other thing we can do might be a little more challenging. Oftentimes we can become so consumed by our own lives (especially those who do not have school-age children or relations) that we can become apathetic or oblivious to the plight of our young students. Just as the haze of summer can sometimes cloud our judgment, so can the business or distractions of our lives cloud our focus. You always see people rally around the schools in tragedy or fill up school board meetings when something dramatic happens. But is this not the same as people standing around gawking at a traffic accident after it has occurred? Perhaps we need to take a more proactive approach as Christians. Not be rubberneckers or reactionaries to the various issues that will arise this year.

In the Gospel of Mark we read, “And parents were bringing their children to Jesus that he might minister to them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them.”

Let us not be a community that hinders our youth, and let us not become complacent to their ventures, as well as the ventures of our teachers, administrators, and school board members. Let us take this year and make it one of constant prayer and support so that we may fulfill our divine calling as followers of Jesus Christ.

Let the 2024 – 2025 school year commence!

Pastor Mike McVey
Minister – First United Methodist Church, Fairfield TX
ACS Chaplain – United States Coast Guard, Station Galveston TX