This past Saturday I was sitting in my backyard watching my daughter run around and play.  The breeze was blowing, the sun was out, and I had a glass of sweet iced tea in my hand.  The dogs were sunning themselves in the grass and my wife was sitting next to me.  As I watched my daughter make-believe and play within her own little world, I had a sudden realization, I was at peace!

In that brief moment I had no worries, no obligations, no pressing meetings or tasks.  I was simply able to sit in the yard and enjoy this beautiful moment without a care in the world.  I was able to be fully present with my family and not be preoccupied with other thoughts or concerns.  Of course the moment was fleeting, within a few minutes my daughter called me out to her playhouse to play and my wife went inside to cook dinner.  Soon the dogs came up to me with tennis balls and sticks to be thrown, and there is no such thing as a never ending cup of sweet tea.  The cell phone would ring and emails would be received reminding me of some work that needed to be done, and reality would creep back in.

The experience got me thinking about something Jesus said to his disciples in the Gospel of John, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”  I wondered if that moment in the backyard was a taste of the everlasting peace that comes from Jesus Christ.

The peace that Christ offers is the constant reminder that all things will work for His glory in the end. We are never forsaken nor abandoned because our Lord is constantly with us.  The only caveat with this promise is that we must be willing to dwell in this peaceful embrace of our Savior.

How often do we take intentional time for peace in our lives?  If you’re like me then it’s not often.  Something seems to always be more important than peace!  We are so often filling each moment of our day with noise and tasks.  Whether it be the TV, the radio, our phones, and numerous other distractions in our lives; we are surrounded.

In this day and age we must be intensely intentional about finding moments of true peace because our world is full of noise.  The noise of political strife, racial division, external and internal conflict, etc.  The only true peace that is offered in this world comes from Christ Jesus.

But, we must be willing to seek it and dwell within this blessed peace.

Peace be with you this week my friends.

Pastor Mike McVey
First United Methodist Church, Fairfield TX
ASC Chaplain – United States Coast Guard
Chaplain – Texas Game Warden Service

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