Good Morning, Brothers and Sisters!

Sometimes, in ministry, ideas strike so profound, so new-age, so cutting-edge that it becomes necessary to announce their arrival with great fanfare and exuberance! It becomes time to hire the publisher, publish the book, and get this new idea out among the masses!

I’m sorry to have to say that this is not one of those moments.

The devotional this morning will not touch on any new cutting aspect of ministry or church life, nor will it be something that will change the process of Christianity for all time. It will probably be something you have heard before. While this might be a disappointment momentarily, please read further, just because something has been said before doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be said again. Are you ready, here it is…

It is such a blessing to be the living church of Jesus Christ.

The Letter to the Hebrews, Chapter 8 says, “This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” What this means is that we mere human beings get to be servants of the Most High God in delivering and living the greatest news that has ever come upon this earth since its conception!

The solemn promise of almighty God dwells within every one of his children and servants, regardless of where they may call the church home. The covenant that Christ established with his church is lived out through the flawed and broken people of creation.

In church this past Sunday we listened to stories about teachers being provided supplies by anonymous sources within the congregation. We heard how two church members showed up to help a sister in Christ repair a leak in her roof. There were dozens of Valentine’s cards written by members of our Youth Group to be handed out at our local retirement community. Prayer partners surrounded those who needed prayer following the service. And after the benediction, the hallways were full of laughter and happy conversation.

What a blessing it is to be the living Covenant of Jesus Christ through the church! And while it is easy to become mired in the necessary process of spiritual correction and discipleship, there always needs to be moments in which we bask in the joy of simply being a Christian.

May you dwell in that joy this week, the joy that is to be, live, struggle, grieve, celebrate, grow, and love as a Christian.

Peace and Blessings!

Pastor Mike McVey
Minister – First United Methodist Church, Fairfield TX
ACS Chaplain – United States Coast Guard, Station Galveston TX