Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

Let me begin this devotion by simply stating that our recent cold weather has made me extremely glad that I am not a resident of our northern states in this country. To have to deal with such temperatures daily would simply be too much strain on my Texan soul. That being said, the ups and downs of our seasonal emotions are enough to make anyone feel a little stressed, mainly because we can’t decide between wearing shorts, a sweater, or an Arctic parka, while we make our way out the door.

One interesting observation is that our appreciation of certain things increases when absence occurs. We don’t appreciate warmth until it is removed from our environment and likewise, we don’t appreciate the cold until we are inundated with heat. Now, this is not an observation of any true brilliance, it’s the reality of the world. We do not recognize the importance of something until we experience its absence. Likewise, we cannot appreciate the value of something, truly, until we have experienced that value first for ourselves. For example, those who lived in Texas before air conditioning did not know they would miss air conditioning until it was introduced to their lives. They just simply existed in the reality of the heat because there were no better options. It wasn’t until they were introduced to air conditioning that they realized the comfort and enjoyment that it would bring! And likewise, the discomfort and trial it would cause if it was removed.

It is the same way with God. Those of us in church on Sunday can fall prey to the apathetic personality of being used to Christ’s glorious message. We have forgotten what it was like to be lost, uncertain, or disregarded. We must rekindle each day that inner flame of the Holy Spirit that reminds us of what it means to be a follower of Christ. To enter into each morning with joy that we are redeemed and are servants of the one true God, and then respond to this call of service!

And how do we respond? Well, just like we as Christians can sometimes forget about this life-saving message of Jesus because it is always around us, some do not know of its existence because it is not part of their lives. Many exist without any notion of true hope, true grace, or true love. They rely upon the scraps the world offers, which are fleeting and malnourished. All the while the reality of salvation exists, but it remains hidden. That is where the church comes into play. We exist as Christ’s visual reminder and call to redemption! We are the voices and the hands that lovingly guide people to the Gospel thereby showing them how God fulfills their lives.

The absence of things brings about the longing for its restoration. The church’s purpose is not to simply provide solitude and support for those who are aware of its message. Its purpose is to exist as a living body of witnesses who are constantly proclaiming its message to those who are blind to true hope and grace.

When it’s time to leave those pews on Sunday morning, then the journey has just begun! Then the task becomes making sure there is someone with you next Sunday in that pew who can hear the life-giving message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Let’s get out of the pews and out into the world my friends!


Pastor Mike McVey

First United Methodist Church, Fairfield TX

ASC Chaplain – United States Coast Guard

Chaplain – Texas Game Warden Service


Cell: 919-935-2513