CELEBRATING THEIR FIRST FULL YEAR OF SERVICE is the volunteer group at Freestone Medical Center.  Assisting patients and staff every weekday morning are the friendly faces of (left-right):  Carol Moller, Carolyn Fisher, Pat Robinson, Phillip Ivy, Sherrie Brackens, Betty Jones, Margie Conner, and Sydney Ivy.  Additional volunteers (not pictured) include Amelia Williams, Janice Faulkner, Aldessa Bass, Ruby Gatson, Martha Finney, Kendal Crawford, and Riley White.

(Photo by Karen Leidy)



“You do a beautiful job, and we appreciate your service,” remarked Kathy Hart of Freestone Medical Center during a phone conversation with Volunteer Coordinator Sherrie Brackens.

Eight of the fifteen volunteers took time to celebrate their first year of service during a luncheon on Tuesday, January 15, 2019.

Sporting bright blue aprons, these women and men may be found at the Freestone Medical Center clinic each weekday morning, assisting patients and medical staff.

The group assists with transporting patients to lab/x-ray, distribute newspapers and other reading materials, and answer phones – and even take care of the plants throughout the facility.

Brackens complimented the group on making coordinating an easy job, as they have each been quick to step up to cover the 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. shifts.

The group discussed a few ideas to celebrate their successful first year, possibly planting a tree for Earth Day.

Also in the works for the future is a gift shop.

New volunteers are always welcome.  For more information, call 903-389-1612.