On June 30, Putt Riddle, the author of ABOVE THE NET 50 YEARS OF THE BEST VOLLEYBALL IN TEXAS is putting on Putts Volleyball Recognition Ceremony and Luncheon at the Texas Sports Hall of Fame in Waco. He is honoring the 22 high schools in his book that have won the most state championships since volleyball became a UIL sport in 1967. He is also honoring 31 of the most successful coaches in Texas high school history who have helped make volleyball the success it is today.

These are the coaches who have won the most state titles and matches, in some cases at multiple Texas high schools. Some are retired. Some are still coaching. It is an opportunity to sit with them, enjoy a meal and get to know them even better if you haven’t had the pleasure to have met them before.

In addition to the meal and the recognition ceremony, Putt has invited Kathy Bresnahan to be the keynote speaker. Kathy coached the West Trojans of Iowa

City, Iowa to the 2010 and 2011 Class 5A state volleyball titles. The 2011 Trojan team was beset by the tragedy of losing its top player and team co-captain, Carolyn Found, in a moped accident as she traveled to the hospital to see her terminally-ill mother. The story of how Kathy rallied the team has been made into a book written by her and into a movie starring Helen Hunt as Kathy. Both the book and the movie are titled THE MIRACLE SEASON.

Tickets to the ceremony and luncheon are $50.00 each. Riddle is donating 10% each of the ticket price to the Texas Girls Coaches Association and to the Texas Association of Volleyball Coaches. There is a limited number of seats available at the tables which will feature placards displaying the name, school colors and years in which titles were won by each of the 22 schools.

Also, Riddle is negotiating with several caterers for the meal, so they are wanting head counts of how many meals to prepare in order to quote their prices. So turning in your ticket order as soon as possible would be appreciated. No later than June 12th.

Send your check made payable to Riddle Volleyball Celebration, P.O. Box 225, Groesbeck, TX 76642. To ask questions call Riddle at 254-747-3076 or email him at byronputtriddle@gmail.com.