ACCEPTING A DONATION FROM FAIRFIELD’S VFW POST is Martha Thommasen of the Pleasant Hills Children’s Home. Giving a flag folding demonstration to the young people include VFW members (left-right):  Arne Henderson, Sr. Vice Commander; Charles Morgan, Jr. Vice Commander; and Willie Cooper, Trustee.  (Submitted Photo)



Several members of the Fairfield Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars recently visited the Pleasant Hills Children’s Home to present a flag folding demonstration of the US Flag to the children and staff of the Pleasant Hills Home.

Willie Cooper, Charles Morgan and Arne Henderson of the VFW Post were greeted by Ms. Martha Thommasen, the Development Director of Pleasant Hills.  The entire group sat down to a delicious meal with the children and staff members prior to their presentation on flag folding.

After introductions were made, the VFW members passed out step by step instructions and gave a detailed demonstration of the US flag folding ritual.

Then the Post members were delighted to discover that some children had already been taught the fundamentals of flag folding by the staff of the home.  Two students gave an excellent display of what they had learned and an appreciative audience gave them loud applause.

In addition to the flag folding program, the VFW members presented a monetary donation to the home.  Although Roger Brooke, the Post Commander was unable to attend this event due to a prior commitment, he praised his Post members for their time and effort in promoting patriotism and proper respect for the United States Flag.

He also praised the Children’s Home staff for their effort in helping children to become responsible and contributing citizens of society.

Finally, the Commander urged all VFW members and citizens of Freestone County, to “visit the Home and make individual or group donations to a very worthwhile institution.”