On Tuesday, November 6th, the Fairfield Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) will meet at 6:30 p.m. at Sam’s Restaurant in Fairfield. This veterans’ organization convenes on the first Tuesday of every month to carry out its program of support to the local veteran population, support to the active military, and support to other local civic groups of Freestone County.

The November meeting will mainly focus on the VFW’s Patriot Pen and Voice of Democracy programs which promote patriotism among the youth of Fairfield, Dew, Teague and Wortham school districts. Effort will also be placed on the ongoing membership drive to recruit new veterans eligible to join VFW, and help to complete our mission.

With these things in mind, the Post Commander, Roger Brooke, invites any US military veteran who saw combat duty on foreign soil to bring his DD214 on November 6th at 6:30 p.m. and meet with an elite group of fellow comrades who are dedicated to veterans’ causes and to community support.