Faith Fellowship Baptist Church would like the opportunity to share with your children how much Jesus loves them.

Please join us on August 5, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for Bible Study, Crafts, Recreation, and Music. (Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.)

Snacks and Lunch provided.

VBS is for ages 4 years up to 6th grade.

‘Twists and Turns’ VBS is a FANTASTICAL celebration of how following Jesus changes the game. Spin the spinner, be at the clock, skip ahead, level up and play to win.

Kids will have fun with games while learning that Jesus guides us through all the twists and turns of our lives. In the end, they will find that even when they mess up, it is never ‘game over.’

Faith Fellowship Baptist is located at 814 W. I-45 Service Road in Fairfield.