East Side

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, McLennan County along with multiple county extension committees will host the East Side Turn Row Meeting on Friday, June 10th.

The meeting will be held off Crunk Road, near Asa, Texas.

Dr. Ronald Schnell, Extension State Cropping Systems Specialist will be providing an update on the Current Growing Season primarily on Corn, Grain Sorghum, and Cotton. Tyler Mays, Hill/McLennan County IPM Agent will discuss Current Field Conditions pertaining to his
Scouting Report on Insect and Disease, and Dr. John Robinson will speak on Cotton and Feed Grains Market Update.

There is no cost to attend, and registration begins at 8:00 a.m.

This program offers 1 TDA CEU and 2.5 Certified Crop Advisor Credits.

Breakfast will be provided during the meeting.

Please RSVP before June 7th by contacting the office at (254)757-5180 or emailing to candace.chapman@ag.tamu.edu.

West Side

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, McLennan County along with multiple county extension committees will host the West Side Turn Row Meeting on Friday, June 17th.

The meeting will be held off Farmview Parkway in Crawford, Texas.

Dr. Ronnie Schnell, Extension State Cropping Systems Specialist will be providing an update on the Current Growing Season Primarily on Corn, Grain Sorghum, and Cotton. Mark Nemec of MJN Consulting will discuss the Current Scouting Report on crops pertaining to Insect and Disease, and Dr. Jason Johnson, Extension Ag Economist will speak on Ag Commodity Market Updates.

There is no cost to attend, and registration begins at 8:00 a.m.

This program offers 1 TDA CEU – IPM and 2.5 Certified Crop Advisor Credits.

Breakfast will be provided during the meeting.

Please RSVP before June 15th by contacting the office at (254)757-5180 or emailing to candace.chapman@ag.tamu.edu.