What has been touted by the Trump administration as a victory for hospital patients, last week the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit upheld an administration rule that requires hospitals to disclose prices they negotiate with insurers for a range of tests and procedures.

The ruling went into effect on January 1, 2021.

President Donald Trump signed an executive order in June of 2019 over price transparency, and the subsequent transparency rules were issued five months later by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

This includes our local hospital, as well.

“Freestone Medical Center is in full compliance with the Executive Order concerning price transparency and will continue to offer our best efforts to maintain said transparency,” says CEO John Yeary.

Gross pricing information has already been posted on their website at freestonemc.com, for some time now.

Many hospitals, insurer organizations, and advocacy groups across the country objected to some of the transparency disclosure requirements, holding that negotiated pricing to be trade secrets.

In the latest appeal, these health organizations said that the price transparency rules would pose a burdensome and costly task of compiling health care costs, while reducing competition and causing confusion about patients’ out-of-pocket expenses.

“At Freestone Medical Center, we understand that medical services are not inexpensive and that insurance billing and reimbursement are confusing and complex,” said Yeary.

Yeary concluded by stating, “We stand ready to help our local patrons navigate these confusing issues with personal, one-on-one financial assistance with any reimbursement or billing questions that arise.”

If you have questions or concerns about hospital billing, contact Freestone Medical Center at 903-389-2121.