Over the previous months and since my election as your Mayor in May of 2022, it has been both a pleasure and a privilege to work and move my ‘Governmental Philosophy’ for this City forward, as was pledged to you prior to my election.
The advancements, as well as the accomplishments, were more than I would have imagined in such a short time, especially considering the resistance that was presented, but we succeeded. At this time, I will not get into all the details of what those are but will, in a few days, outline such accomplishments as were promised, where we are now, and what is anticipated.
At this time, I only want to inform you that I will not be seeking re-election. The nature of ‘why’ is a personal matter but what is of utmost importance is, if you have the interest and the desire to lead our City, and make progress forward with development and growth of both infrastructure and business, you should highly consider it. It will require others on the City Council to be onboard. That is what is needed for this community and the City to advance in a manner for the future.
Our City is a ‘Gem’ of which its potential has not completely been fully realized but was moving in that direction until recently. Again, Thank You for the privilege of serving you and yours.
Honorable Mayor David Huffman