The strength of a nation is not found in the blind commitment to a political party. It is found in the undying devotion to one’s family and country.

The strength of a nation is not found in the celebration of the rich and famous. It is found in the acknowledgement and assistance of its poor and forgotten.

The strength of a nation is not found in the mass symbolic ceremonial praise of God. It is found in each individual’s dedication to God’s word and law.

The strength of a nation is not found in banks, stores, safes, boardrooms, and conventions. It is found in homes, in schools, and in the heart of each individual willing to make a difference.

The strength of a nation is not found in the ability to wage war or keep peace. It is found in the wisdom and purity that sees no need for either.

The strength of a nation is not found on a flag or in its written history. It is found in the love, compassion, kindness, and generosity of each of its citizens.

Have a nice day…take care of yourself and others!

Contributed by Tony Price.