Dear Editor,

Not long ago, the state highway department came through Teague to build handicap access to the sidewalks along Main Street, Ninth Avenue, 4th Avenue, etc. This involved cutting the curbs, digging out dirt for concrete, and pouring concrete for new sidewalks. Now, dirt, leaves, trash have accumulated in many of these “handicap” sidewalk entrances at the curb and gutter. How can this be ADA compliant?

In the last month, I sent numerous requests to the City of Teague, Teague Mayor, and Texas Highway Department; no response. The trash, built up asphalt, sand, grass, and debris remain in the curbs and gutters. Teague Citizens have to beg for services to clean out the storm drains on Main Street with most powerful electric pressure washer to avoid flooding with the heavy rains. Yes, those drains have leaves, limbs, and trash clogging up the drain. You can also check pressure washer surface cleaner reviews here.

The taxpayers cannot get minimum city services to clean the streets. Where is the street cleaning truck? Why is so much time being devoted to Teague’s war games and litigation instead of clean up?

The City of Teague has ordinances by the stack for dilapidated and hulled out structures, yet our leaders turn a blind eye to these ordinances and structures. Yes, the City of Teague spent thousands of dollars to get those ordinances written and adopted and they don’t use them, even when asked by the taxpayers and citizens.

So, why can’t taxpayers get minimum city services? Let’s consider the following.

It has been reported that our City of Teague leaders have spent over $100,000.00 on the lawsuit against the City of Fairfield. Yet, there was no victory to be won. I served on one of the committees to get the prison established here. The “not for profit” prison project was to create jobs, not a revenue stream. It is also reported that the Teague City Council decided to take no further action until the next Council is in place. What? You guys created this mess, why don’t you get your own ox out of the ditch instead of dumping it on someone else? Yet, the courthouse records show that the City of Teague filed an appeal?? How much more will be wasted on that?

Many hours have been expended on the war over Frosty the Snow Man. Shocking but true. Why not provide some City services and let Frosty rest, because he will return next year! Wal-Mart will see to that Burl Ives sang the song and told us so!

How much is the Teague City Administrator getting paid for these performances and this kind of leadership? It is reported that she is now asking the Teague Council to employ an administrative assistant for her? How about a performance review? What about merit? If that goes through, expect the Teague water bills to increase for some other big salary at City Hall.

I recall the big Teague fire that occurred downtown with the stores known as Bendy’s, Minter’s, etc. That was about 1972, just around Christmas. Teague quickly called Fairfield for help. Fairfield sent their men and equipment to save us. I guess our Teague leadership rationalizes their recent behavior with: “but what have you done for me lately?” Will Fairfield be so willing to put out our next fire when we need their help?

City of Teague leaders should shepherding the City like a parent sending a child off to school. Clean them up, dress them appropriately, and feed them. You want to send a message that the child has value, is loved, and is cared for. When people drive into Teague, they see a closed middle school. The City of Teague does not look it has value, it does not look loved, and it does not look cared for. It does not look vibrant or thriving. Who would invest here? What message is our City of Teague leadership sending with this kind of appearance and lack of minimum city services?

I been here 66 years, I have never seen the City of Teague look so filthy and trashy as it does now.

Val Fulcher
Teague, Texas