by Rachel Reyes – Copy Editor – The Eagle Beat

The grit and determination of one team will lead them to the famous coast of south Texas. While enjoying the luxuries and activities the gulf has to offer, they will continue to push their limits in weight lifting.

Three of the girls powerlifting team are on their way to Corpus Christi for the State meet March 17 – 19. At the regional meet this past Saturday, Fairfield was second place school with 6 girls placing and sophomore Destiny Dowell, sophomore Emma Jo Smith, and junior Taylor Stone qualifying for state.

“This is my first time actually doing it so it’s amazing to get second place,” Dowell said. “I feel so proud of myself.”

Dowell placed second in the 259+ weight class and is a state qualifier. The total of her squat, bench, and deadlift ended up being 870 lbs. In that same weight class senior Tedi Blassingame lifted 750 lbs. overall and placed fourth.

“I feel great and I am excited to go to state,” Smith said. “I feel very accomplished with myself.”

Smith, a state qualifier, placed first lifting 750 lbs. in total. Jordan Maciel placed third in her weight class and is also a state alternate with a total of 845 lbs.

Junior Donna Munoz placed third and is also an alternate.

“Honestly, each person that lifted, whether they got a medal or not, lifted the best they’ve lifted all year,” coach Taner Tunstall said. “All of this shows how hard they have worked.”

Stone placed first with 355 lbs. in her squat, 175 lbs. in her bench, and 315 lbs. in her deadlift. Senior Bailee Acreman, in the same weight class as Stone, placed third and is also a state alternate.

“This is a special bunch of girls,” support staff Jana Childers said. “Were heading to Corpus over spring break and determined to do two things. First, bring home some medals. Second, get our toes in the sand. Not much time for the second, but I have faith in these girls. They have never not stepped up to a challenge. I’m happy to get to see them have fun and be successful.”

(Photo by Rachel Reyes)