Dear Editor,
My name is Pam Chavers, and I am a member of the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA). I am a retired public school teacher/counselor. I retired in 2013 after almost 30 years with Fairfield ISD.
I am asking your support of Proposition 9 on the November General Election ballot. Prop 9, when passed, will provide the first cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) since 2004 for 420,000 retired school employees—teachers, administrative personnel, school bus drivers, nurses, cafeteria workers and other school employees. Someone you know is a Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) retiree. It may be a relative, a neighbor, or friend. We need your help! TRS annuitants are living on an average monthly annuity of approximately $2174.00.
More than 140,000 of our older retirees are living on less than $1000 per month!
Inflation is the highest it has been in 40 years. All TRS retirees are suffering from inflation, but our longer-term retirees are hit hardest.
Many are struggling to pay bills and are having to make difficult choices. Prop 9 will be tremendously valuable to our retirees, which in turn will benefit our local communities.
Many people do not realize that 95% of TRS retirees do not receive federal Social Security benefits like many other retirees. This includes earned benefits as well as spousal benefits, as TRS retirees are subject to two federal provisions that drastically reduce or even eliminate their earned SS benefits (Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset).
Proposition 9 will not create a tax increase! The Texas Legislature has already set aside the needed funds. Voter approval is needed to release these funds. Every single member of the Texas Senate and House voted to support this much needed retirement boost!
Please show your dedicated retired educators and the Texas Legislature that you support providing much needed financial relief for TRS annuitants by voting YES for Prop 9. Thank you for your vote!
Pam Chavers
Fairfield, Texas