Thanks, Community!


Teachers Appreciation Week meant a little more this year than most.

For us parents who had to step up and play teacher while still working, we gained a new respect for the real teachers.

As a teacher, I was a failure.  It is not my gift to be a teacher, the patience that it takes, the repetitive explanations, the keeping them focused, the smiling when you want to pull your hair out and walk away… all mean more now than ever.

Our teachers are gifted to empower, inspire, and be the example.

They smile when I know they are frustrated.   They push our kids when they themselves need a push.

So, I wanted to show love by making sure that each teacher had a loaded tea.   Many teachers order them to help give them a boost during the week so I knew this would help them this week.

In Fairfield we have over 300 faculty members between the elementary, intermediate, junior high, and high school.

Those are not the only schools around, we include the headstart, Noah’s Ark, and Faith Academy.   We also included

I wanted to include all staff so I began reaching out to businesses and told them I would match them.   I went half on every tea and we did it!

We got a bottle of tea out to everyone and even were able to include Dew as well!

So, I want to thank all the businesses that gave a donation, big or small, they made a sacrifice so that we can show love to some of the most deserving but under-appreciated group there is!

Show these businesses some love so that we can continue to bless others and make a difference in our great community!

They include the following contributors:

Ced Anderson Landscaping; Perfectly Blended Designs; Veronica Miller & Family; Prestige Insurance; Twisted Whisk; Kelly Croft & Family; Lupe Barlow & Family; The Watterson Family; Good Neighbor Cleaners; The Warehouse; Constance Alexander & Family; Fringe Salon; Tuscan Touch; Taylor German Team; Rachel Anderson Real Estate; The Combs Family; DEW PTO; Fairfield Elementary PTO; Olivia Robinson; and Kayla Campbell & Family.

Tiffany Anderson
