Dirty laundry was discussed during the Wednesday, September 2, 2020, Freestone County Commissioner’s Court, along with employee appreciation and security upgrades.

Justin Romine of Teague Fire Department, representing the Freestone County Fire Association, along with Shawn Allen the Government Sales Manager of Aadvantage Laundry Systems, approached the Commissioners to request new washing machines and dryers.

The current machines are old, along with some Fire Stations not even having machines for the firefighters to use.

Romine explains that when you use a residential washer/dryer with their bunker gear, it usually takes, “All night to the next day before you can get it back in service.”

The new washing machines will help to disinfect and sanitize their gear, and the new dryers will help to get the gear back in service faster.

Allen additionally explained that these machines work differently, from spinning at a speed that will not damage bunker gear to making it so the soap amount is always correct. They help make our Fire fighters clean, sanitary and safe.

Additionally, the CARES act includes a grant that will pay for the machines, although the County must spend the money first and then be reimbursed.

A motion was made and carried to purchase this equipment.

Guardian Security Solutions made a presentation on upgrading and installing a variety of security equipment. It was strongly advised to upgrade the current camera system.

The Commissioner’s Court will look at this in more detail at a later date.

Freestone County received $20,732.98 from the Capital Credit Fund, and the commissioner’s decided this would be best spent split 50/50 between the two county libraries.

The Road and Bridge workers salary will be removed from the pay grades, and assigned its own pay grade scale at a later date.

The County made an agreement with Windstream to include the Annex II building that will actually lower the payments close to $10k annually.

County employees will be enjoying an Appreciation Day on Tuesday to exten their Labor Day holiday weekend.

Sheriff Jeremy Shipley’s departments allowed for a ‘bonus’ eight hours for each employee to pick their own date, as the jail and sheriff’s office cannot let everyone off for a day.

The agreement for joint elections for the November 3, 2020, elections between:

–Cities of Streetman, Teague and Fairfield

–Fairfield and Wortham ISD

–Fairfield Hospital District

Linda Jarvis stated that, “Everyone will have specialized ballots,” although everything will be combined on one ballot instead of multiple ones.

She further pointed out there are thirteen or fourteen different ballots to make sure everyone votes for what they should.

Other things discussed include:

–A man spoke up during the citizens comments about the wild dogs; Sheriff Shipley agreed that there is a problem. It will be further discussed on a future agenda.

–The Holiday Schedule was selected for the upcoming fiscal year.

–A bid was received back and approved for the reconstruction of the County Road 111 bridge in the amount of $156,988.

–The County Auditor’s salary was set at $50,227 with her assistants at $38, 999 for the first and $33,000 for the second.