Jonathan Hardin Chapter, NSDAR held their final meeting of the 2020-2021 term on Wednesday, May 12th at the Gibbs Memorial Library in Mexia. The meeting was called to order by Madam Regent, Nancy McSwane. Members and guests were welcomed, and the rituals read.
Special guest, Deborah Moran was introduced by Regent McSwane. Mrs Moran was born in Antlers, Oklahoma and is one quarter Choctaw. She has been a DAR member for ten years and has served as Chapter Regent twice, corresponding secretary, historian, treasurer, District Ten Director and is currently the TXDAR American Indians State Chair. She has a double major in English and history as well as a double minor in speech communications and journalism. She has served as Theatre and Drama director for Thoreau High School and Jal High School. Her love of history and acting has led her to present factual and accurate historical reenactments for civic groups and clubs. She has traveled far and wide to do so. She currently has a repertoire of some fifteen historical characters including Molly Goodnight, who she portrayed for the Jonathan Hardin Chapter members.
Texas Ranger Charles Goodnight was the lead scout when Cynthia Ann Parker was captured from the Comanches. Pictured with Deborah is chapter member Felicia Hobson Hancock and sister, Melanie, of the Parker family, along with daughters of Chaplain Marsha Black, Parker and Emory. Member Cynthia Allen, not pictured, paternal grandmother of the girls, is the Parker descendant.
Mary Ann Dyer “Molly” Goodnight was an American cattlewomen and rancher who was married to the prominent Texas rancher and cattleman, Charles Goodnight. Molly Goodnight established her place as wife and helper with Charles, the most famous rancher on the high plains. Beyond her regular chores, Molly took it upon herself to rescue baby bison left behind by the hunters, soon establishing the Goodnight buffalo herd. Mrs. Moran’s rendition of Molly Goodnight was astounding and true to life. Chapter members and guests were captivated by Mrs. Moran’s portrayal.
Committee reports were read, and special certificates were awarded to members Regent Nancy McSwane, Diane Pullin, Patti Gauntt, Leigh Ann Steen, Nancy Rula, Carol Ann Biggar, Marsha Black, Pam Stuver, Kathleen McKee, Aleece McBay and Billie Bournias. Junior member Molly Biggar also received a special certificate.
Member Nancy Rula receiving her award for Historical Preservation with Regent Nancy McSwane and Diane Pullin. (Submitted Photos)
A special award was presented to Nancy Rula for her dedication for historical preservation. Nancy was awarded the Historic Preservation Award during this week’s meeting. The Historic Preservation Recognition Award recognizes and honors an individual or group that has done recent remarkable volunteer work at the community level. Nancy has dedicated much time and effort in transcribing newspaper articles in book form to be sold at the Freestone County Historical Museum. Nancy’s books have been a huge help for those doing genealogical research and for raising money to help the museum. These books have also been accepted at the National DAR Library. Congratulations Nancy Rula!
Jonathan Hardin Chapter was recognized and awarded the TxDAR State Literacy Award. This award is a huge honor for our chapter. The literacy committee is co-chaired by Nancy McSwane and Marsha Black. A huge thank you to our members for donating books as well as local groups that gave a monetary donation to our committee. Approximately 225 books were donated in Limestone and Freestone counties, two housing units, a children’s home and a backpack ministry.
Corresponding Secretary, Teresa Stafford Penny, is a direct descendant of Charles Goodnight’s brother, Elijah Goodnight. She is pictured with guest speaker Deborah Moran.
New members ceremony was held inducting Beverly Jones and Frances Collins to our chapter. Gayle Carpenter was inducted into membership by Chaplain Marsha black during the April meeting.
Jonathan Hardin Chapter was honored to have five prospective members sign applications during our meeting. These ladies are Dianne Horton, Terri Pryor, Vicki James, Cooper Tennant and Molly Fryer.
Our next meeting will be held on September 8, 2021. Jonathan Hardin Chapter will be celebrating its 100th year anniversary on March 22, 2022.
Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American Independence is eligible for membership. For more information about joining the Jonathan Hardin Chapter, NSDAR please contact Regent Nancy McSwane at 254-359-4620 or Registrar Patti Gauntt at 903-388-5677.
Pictured at top: New members Francis Collins, Beverly Jones and Gayle Carpenter with Regent Nancy Brown McSwane and Chaplain Marsha McSwane Black.