As Freestone County, and Texas in general, has seen an increase in positive test results for COVID-19, here is a reminder on how to stay safe and what symptoms to look for.

The virus has many symptoms to keep an eye out for including:

–Feeling feverish or a temperature from 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher

–altered sense of taste or smell

–Cough (typically a dry cough)

–Difficulty breathing

–Shortness of breath



–Sore throat

–Shaking or exaggerated shivering

–Significant muscle pain or ache


If you are experiencing these symptoms, and they are not normal for you, contact your health care provider and ask if you need to be tested.

Most cases are mild, and are easily treated at home with over-the-counter medications.

According to Kayla Farmer, RN, FNP, Freestone Medical Clinic’s (FMC) Nurse Practitioner who ran their COVID-19 clinic during the first outbreak, “People do really well at home. Not even a handful of cases that need to be hospitalized.”

She continued by explaining that the few who have needed hospitalization, are mostly the elderly, so that they can be easily monitored.

When asked if beds are available, Farmer responded with an affirmative,

“Absolutely,” she continued by stating that they have, “Capabilities of outpatient to take care of people and hospitalized as long as they are stable.”

Patients needing ICU care would need to be sent to a larger hospital.

Farmer wanted people to understand when they should visit the Emergency Room, as a lot have been visiting that do not need to.

If a patient is displaying mild symptoms with no respiratory distress or chest pain they should visit the respiratory clinic (Gold Clinic located at 764 W. Commerce and use the Main St backdoor). Do make sure they are aware you are concerned you may have COVID-19.

The respiratory clinic will be open 9 am to 6 pm – Monday-Thursday and Friday 9am to 1 pm; our goal is to stay open later in the evenings to alleviate backlogs in the Emergency Room.

If a patient is displaying trouble that is more serious, then a trip to the Emergency Room is needed.

Symptoms serious enough to require Emergency Room care include:

–trouble breathing or pain/pressure in chest,

–new confusion, difficult time staying awake, or

–a blue face.

If you, or a member of your household, experiences any of these three symptoms, go directly to the nearest emergency room or call 911.

Make sure you call ahead to the emergency room and let them know about your symptoms so they can adequately prepare for your arrival.

Likewise, if you need to call 911, make sure and inform them of your symptoms as well.

Remember, cover your coughs and sneezes, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer, use your facial covering and be safe.