From the Office of Emergency Management:
Freestone County residents, we understand that you may have piles of brush or other things that need to be burned. I am asking that you refrain from burning.
The burn ban has been lifted as of yesterday.
Our fire departments are currently working a fire in the Teague Fire Department response area that state resources have been requested to assist with.
The departments have had 7 grass fire calls since 14:36 yesterday afternoon.
That is 6 minutes after the burn ban was lifted.
I want to use an analogy to give insight to the situation. We had roughly an inch and half of rain over the course of Monday-Wednesday. We have some green grass now but that is NEW grass. The dead grass is what… you guessed it still dead.
I am asking that we please refrain from burning anything.
As of this post I have requested that the burn ban is reinstated for the safety of all residents and the fire department personnel.
Emergency Management Coordinator

Leonard Smith