We have some young men who are hunting hogs on the ranch.  They always come up with some too which is the sad thing!!  We have lost one field to the hogs for this year.  Not only did the hogs literally plow it up they also came back and plowed it up again in the same places!

There will be no hay cut on that field this year.  What a sad state of affairs that hogs are doing this much damage to the land.  Not just our land but everybody has damage from hogs in this area, and if they don’t they better get ready because they will.

The young men are the most courageous hog hunters I have ever heard of!  They hunt hogs at night, afternoon, morning, whenever they have the time.  They use dogs to “jump” the hogs out, a bulldog to grab it and then they move in with knives and kill the hog!  No way would I do that!!  No way would anyone else I know do that!

It seems whenever they come they always get at least one hog; usually more.  We appreciate them more than we can say.  Nicer men you could never meet. They are very respectful, honest in doing what they say they will do and how they will do it, and where they will do it.

As long as the Red Oak Ranch has hogs on it, we are hoping these young men will hunt them down for us!