by Jan Fielden


Lucinda, the calf we saved and raised because her Momma died giving birth to her has come full circle now! She has a baby…a beautiful baby heifer. I worried about her thinking she might not be able to have a baby. She is not very large for her age. Then I thought if she has a baby she wouldn’t know how to raise it, as she had no one to teach her. She has been a loner ever since Leroy was sold. Lucinda never paid much attention to any of the other calves or the cows. So, I reasoned she knew nothing about taking care of a calf. Well, was I ever wrong!!

Her baby is beautiful. We saw it out in the pasture and got in my truck to go look at it close up. Lucinda left the calf to come over and tell me hello. She wanted her head and neck scratched like I always do whenever she is around. Then she started head butting my truck which I didn’t quite understand but oh well. When some other calves came up to her calf, Lucinda walked over there and made sure they didn’t do anything to hurt her. We are so proud of her. Some of the cows came around to check out the new babe and Lucinda stood proudly while her calf was inspected by all. I naturally took several pictures of the calf. What a day we had seeing our little one with a baby of her own and being quite the grown up about it.

The joys of living on the Red Oak Ranch never seem to end.