by Jan Fielden

The snow was absolutely beautiful out here at the Red Oak. The little calves ran around just like little kids do when it snows. The snow flakes were falling fast and furious and from all directions. It was cold and windy but the show that was put on made it all worthwhile. I used to live in Colorado and saw lots of snow and I didn’t realize how much I miss it. I didn’t miss it so much last year when there was no electricity but there was plenty of snow and ice.

I think the weather forecaster missed predicting the snow but that’s OK, half the time they are wrong anyway. The only problem was that the snow didn’t last long. The sun came out and it melted in nothing flat. It was beautiful while it lasted.

I believe each season has its’ own beauty. The seasons also have their own special thing to do. Because of the cold weather, which I don’t relish, I am not so fond of winter; however it has beauty all its own. Not just snow, but icicles sometime look like diamonds hanging from the roof. Winter supposedly kills bugs and viruses which is helpful. Last year when we received the snow and ice I fed the birds. I had so many Red Cardinal birds that looked as if they were having a convention. The Colonel doesn’t like winter time at all but he did enjoy the Cardinals. However, he is now looking forward to Spring and I am looking forward to the beauty of the flowers.