by Jan Fielden

Winter is brutal on animals but then so is a very hot summer. We have another baby calf to feed as the mother of it died from the cold. Sad, but a very good friend told me long ago that it is the survival of the fittest and there is nothing we can do. The Beagles have been enjoying their time sleeping in the utility room. Guess it is like a bed and breakfast to them.

Last week I was getting oats and hay for Sundance. The Colonel had put out bales for the cows already. However, with cows it is always greener on the other side. I saw the cows eating away on the bales and one of them looked up, saw me take something to the truck and here they came. I looked at them and told them to go on because there was nothing here for them. They just kept coming. I got prepared to keep the oats and hay safe for Sundance when I noticed that even though the cows kept coming my way, they were not slowing up, but made an abrupt change in direction. They were headed for the back of the barn because that area keeps the wind off of them. They didn’t give me a glance after they got to where they could warm up a little bit.

I went on down to feed Sundance. She had seen me coming and it was so beautiful to see her running to me. She has not done that for a long time as she is getting older. But that day, she was very glad to see me, and I was to see her pick up her feet and run. The Red Oak Ranch has a lot of good things going for it.