by Jan Fielden


We had a couple of trees cut down this past week. One of them had been a beautiful tree until the bad weather got ahold of it. Then it started dropping its limbs and we knew it could not survive. Down in the paddock area there is an old elm tree that is a favorite to the birds whether it has limbs or not. It has not lost many limbs and will last at least another year unless the bad weather gets ahold of it too. Yesterday, when I was down in that area feeding Sundance, I looked up and saw the prettiest Red Cardinal I have seen in a while. It jumped all around that tree and twisted and turned here and there, almost as if it were posing for the picture I was getting ready to take.

A couple of weeks ago some small birds came dancing across the ground as if they were going to peck up some of Sundance’s oats. She ignored them and they went on without getting a bite of anything. I am waiting for the Hummingbirds, Blue Birds, and Blue Jays to come back. Spring time is on its way I suppose.

We have had lots of Hawks and also two Bald Eagles. The Hawks are showing up most every day. I am thankful for them because we have no mice in the yard. Hawks are very beautiful and certainly provide a great service. The Red Oak Ranch is like an animal/bird preserve.