by Jan Fielden


We had a super day today. It turned out to be something we will never forget. A couple of years ago I wrote about two Eaglets that showed up at the Red Oak Ranch. They stayed around for a little while, seeming not to be afraid of anything. The Colonel told me that Eagles are not afraid of anything. Not even what happened today!

Two Bald Eagles showed up here today! I saw one of them first down close to the lake because a calf was walking down there, and it stopped and was staring at something. I got the binoculars out (we keep them within easy reach). I could not believe my eyes when I saw the Eagle. Beautiful, what a wonderful sight to behold. The Colonel was outside in the back feeding the Beagles. I ran to the window and signed to him to come in quick. Well, he didn’t get the message very quickly and I was afraid the Eagle would fly off. Finally, I heard The Colonel come in and I told him to come out to the front yard and gave him the binoculars. He was truly amazed at the one down by the lake. He said he had never seen a Bald Eagle up close. Told me the Eagle was eating something. Probably something he had killed. I wanted to take a picture and I tried walking as silently as I could to be in range to take a picture. I had my camera and my phone. I stayed in the yard but went down to the fence. I tried taking a picture and the Eagle flew off. I was so disappointed.

Then, I heard The Colonel say, there are two of them up in the tree across the lake. He handed me the binoculars and I saw both of them. Magnificent! The Colonel said we see all kinds of things out here, don’t we? I tried taking another picture and they spread their wings and flew in to the Sweet Gum Grove. I hope they make their home there. We were so blessed to have two of the symbols of our great country to come show themselves to us at the Red Oak Ranch!