by Jan Fielden
About three weeks ago, The Colonel was out in the side yard looking at the trees in the Personal Grove to make sure no more trees were dying from the snow storm. While he was out there, he saw two “dogs” walking down the road. He thought they looked kind of big and when they got closer, he recognized them as Timber Wolves. They were minding their own business just walking and looking around. I think they did pick up a little speed when they spotted him though.
He said he hadn’t seen any wolves around here in a long, long time. The State of Texas had put a bounty on them and had practically killed them out. Evidently it didn’t bother these two! The Colonel said he thought they would just move on and we wouldn’t see them again. I have to admit that I watch all around me when I go to feed the calf, Sweet Pea.
Over the week-end we had all our boys and their families here at the Ranch for BBQ with all the trimmings. Lots of visiting, talking, and eating! A lot of fun and it felt good to see them all together again.